Fitness And Exercise For Seniors – 3 At Home Chair Exercises
There are many options for fitness and exercise for seniors. Here are 3 different options you can choose to become stronger, leaner, and develop more energy through exercise and fitness.
At Home Chair Exercises.
This is perhaps the simplest and easiest way to employ fitness and exercise for seniors. All exercises are performed sitting in a chair in the comfort of your own home. Now these are NOT just for seniors whose mobility is limited. At home chair exercises can be very effective for anyone seeking to tone muscles and develop greater flexibility in a safe and stable exercise environment.
Seniors who do have mobility issues will of course find chair exercise routines ideal. Those taking certain medications where balance and stability issues may be side effects, will also find chair routines to be ideal.
In any event, chair exercise programs are low impact, convenient to perform and ideal for seniors who want a good workout to improve flexibility, muscle tone, and increased energy.
There are different options for at home chair exercises which you can perform based on what it the most comfortable for you and wheat benefits you seek:
- Chair yoga. This employs stretching and easy to perform seated yoga movements. You can easily perform a variety of yoga poses in a chair and hold them for several seconds at a time, release and perform another pose. If yoga is something you’ve always wanted to try, yoga in a chair can be an ideal form of senior fitness with benefits of improved flexibility and increased energy.
- Light dumbbells or weighted hand balls. Seated dumbbell exercises are actually some of the most effective weight lifting routines that bodybuilders employ when they are training. So they definitely have huge benefits when it comes to developing muscle tone. You can do curls for your arms, presses for your shoulders, and extension movements to tighten the back of the arms up which are notorious for developing flab.
- Arm and leg movements without weights. You don’t need weights to perform effective chair routines. These range from leg lifts to arm raises, as well as movements which are performed repeatedly so as to get a good cardio workout in, as well as muscle tone development. You can actually combine chair yoga, arm curls and other exercises without weights, as well as repeated weight free motions like small circles, straight out punching movements, and repeated toe raises.