January 22, 2025

Ne Yiyoruz

Transforming Lives Through Health

Myths And Facts About Mental Illness

Myths And Facts About Mental Illness

There are so many myths floating around about mental illness that it is about time people took the time to figure out what is a myth and what is a fact. Listed below are some of the myths that have been around in our society for decades if not centuries.

Myth: Mental illness is the same as mental retardation

Fact: Both the terms are way different from each other. Mental retardation is a genetical problem characterized by impaired intellectual ability and neuro-cognitive functions. Mental illness is a physical condition that occurs as a result of bizarre circumstances. This is characterized by fluctuating moods, changes in a person’s thinking and behavior and fluctuating intellectual abilities.

Myth: Mental illness reflects a weakness in character

Fact: A variety of factors are associated with occurrence of mental illnesses. These include biological factors, psychological factors and social consequences such as loss of job or a terrible accident.

Myth: People suffering from a mental illness are not suitable for employment

Fact: Like any other normal person, people with mental illnesses can handle stress to a certain extent. Research has shown that excessive stressful working environment is harmful for a normal person’s mental condition. Productivity will be higher only when the employee’s needs and working conditions are satisfied. In the current world, every job is demanding and even a normal person is finding it difficult to handle the stress.

People, who are recovering from their mental illnesses, are quite suitable for employment. According to a survey done by National Institute of Mental Health, employers have found these employees to be more punctual and productive when compared with other employees. Apart from this, these employees are better motivated and have better quality of work.

Myth: It is impossible to recover from a mental illness

Fact: Recovery from an illness can be termed as complete only when the person is able to lead a fulfilling and productive life with complete reduction of disease symptoms. Recovery from an illness can be described as a process where people are able live, work, learn and participate in their daily activities. Due to advancements in science, complete recovery is now a reality for people with mental illnesses.

Myth: Mental illnesses occur only in adults. Children never experience mental illness

Fact: Mental disorder can occur in people of any age group. As like adults, mental illnesses in children result due to a variety of factors including biological, psychological, social and genetic factors. Misbehavior or other abnormal symptoms in children should never be ignored. Most of the psychological problems in children can be treated through proper understanding, attention, care and love.

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